Episode 2.2 - Myths & Legends 3/Christmas Special? with Jaime Fjeldsted


DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories in this episode contain very graphic content. 

Welcome to our third Myths & Legends episode! Its also kind of a Christmas episode? This time we are joined by our good friend, Jaime Fjeldsted! She comes to us with stories of Icelandic folklore! Sean Borchelli also disturbs and dazzles us with his stories of strange and gruesome burial practices from history and even some that still take place today. BUT FIRST! Mike Borchelli stumbles through his unprepared ramblings about Tom Cruise and Japanese urban myths! 

Show Links:

Tom Cruise Running Backwards:

Tibetan Sky Burial (VERY GRAPHIC! ...SERIOUSLY):

Jaime brought some volcanic rock from Mount Hekla in Iceland

Jaime brought some volcanic rock from Mount Hekla in Iceland

Cheeksqueek from Yokai Watch

Cheeksqueek from Yokai Watch